Fu Ling Pi (Poria Skin)

Fu Ling Pi (Poria Skin)

Herb 14 of 28 in Herbs that Regulate Water and Drain Dampness

Neutral Fu Ling Pi (Sclerotii Poriae Cocos)
Sweet, Bland, Neutral
Sclerotii Poriae Cocos
Tone Marks:
fú líng pí
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Chinese Herb Actions

  • Promote Urination and Reduce Edema
    It is for urinary difficulties and it is better for skin edema than Fu Ling. Also for abdominal distension by facilitating the water pathways.

Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions

  • Use with caution in cases of Yin deficiency or spermatorrhea

Herb-Drug Interactions

  • None noted but this herb has a diuretic effect and care should be used when taken with other diuretics

Chinese Herb Toxicity & Overdose

  • None noted, but allergic reaction to Fu Ling have been noted with symptoms including itching, rashes, vertigo, nausea, and achy extremities.
  • Section not completed...

Chinese Herb Dosage

  • 10-15 grams in decoction 12
  • 15-30 grams in decoction 13

Chinese Herb Notes

  • Fu Ling Pi is less tonifying than Fu Ling but has a stronger diuretic effect without draining the Qi.

This Herb Appears in the Following Formulas:

References Used

The TCM information presented here has been referenced from numerous sources; including teachers, practitioners, class notes from Five Branches University, the following books, as well as other sources. If you have benefited from this information, please consider supporting the authors and their works by purchasing the books below.

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