KI-02 (Ran Gu) Blazing Valley
Acupuncture Points on the Kidney Channel of Foot Shao Yin
Ying-Spring & Fire Point
- Clears deficiency heat
- Regulates the Kidneys
- Regulates the lower jiao
- Pruritus vulvae, prolapse of uterus, irregular menstruation, nocturnal emission, hemoptysis, thirst, diarrhea, swelling and pain of the dorsum of foot, acute infantile omphalitis.
Pont Location:
- A Manual of Acupuncture: On the medial side of the foot, distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression distal and inferior to the navicular tuberosity.
- Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression on the lower border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone.
Needling Method:
- Puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.