Gui Pi Tang (Restore the Spleen Decoction)
Formula 12 of 30 in Formulas that Tonify
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- Formulas that Tonify the Qi
- Spleen Qi deficiency with Heart Blood and Yin deficiency
- Tonifies Blood and Qi
- Nourishes the Heart and strengthens the Spleen.
- Fatigue, poor memory, palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, phobias, poor sleep or dream disturbed sleep, poor appetite, sallow complexion, withdrawal, low-grade fever, and night sweating
- Early periods with loss of excess pale blood, continuous spotting, blood in the stool, leukorrhea, metrostaxis, and metrorrhagia.
Possible Tongue Appearance:
- Pale tongue with a thin white coat, possibly swollen
Possible Pulse Patterns:
- Thin and weak pulse
Western Uses:
- Neurasthenia
- Psycho-Emotional Disorders
- Post concussion Syndrome
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Congestive Heart Disease
- Supraventricular Tachycardia
- Anemia
- Thrombocytopenic or Allergic Purpura
- Cervicitis
- Functional Uterine Bleeding
Cautions, Contraindications, Herb Drug Interactions:
- Do not use in cases of interior full heat, or Yin deficient heat with a rapid and thin pulse
Preparation Notes:
- Decoction. Ren Shen is commonly replaced by 2-3 times the dosage of Dang Shen, and Fu Shen is often substituted for Fu Ling.
Originally Appeared In:
- Formulas to Aid the Living (Ji Sheng Fang)
Combined Channels of all herbs in this formula:
- Lungs, Spleen, Stomach, Heart, Gall Bladder, Liver, Large Intestine
There are 12 Substances in this Chinese Medicne
Ren Shen (Ginseng Root)Quantity = 3-6 grams
Quantity = 9-12 grams
Quantity = 9-12 grams
Quantity = 9-12 grams
Quantity = 9-12 grams
Quantity = 6-9 grams
Quantity = 3-6 grams
Quantity = 3-6 grams
Quantity = 6-9 grams
Quantity = 3-6 grams
Quantity = 5 pieces
Quantity = 1 piece
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