Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang (Artemisia Annua and Soft Shelled Turtle Shell Decoction)
Formula 25 of 30 in Formulas that Clear Heat
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- Formulas that Clear Heat from the Qi Level
- Smoldering heat from Yin deficiency, usually during later stage febrile diseases
- Nourishes Yin and clears deficient heat
- Low grade night time fever and night sweats that clear by morning
- Emaciation with normal appetite.
- Possible afternoon fever.
Possible Tongue Appearance:
- Red tongue with scanty coat
Possible Pulse Patterns:
- Thin and rapid pulse
Western Uses:
- Phthisis
- Summer Fever in Children
- Chronic Pyelonephritis
- Kidney Tuberculosis
- Chronic Nephritis
- Advanced Stages of Various Infectious Diseases
Cautions, Contraindications, Herb Drug Interactions:
- Do not use in cases where the heat in the Qi level
- Do not use in cases where there has been spasms or convulsions.
Preparation Notes:
- Decoction. Add Qing Hao during the last 10 minutes of boiling.
Originally Appeared In:
- Systematic Differentiation of Warm Diseases (Wen Bing Tiao Bian)
Combined Channels of all herbs in this formula:
- Spleen, Liver, Kidneys, Gall Bladder, Heart, Lungs, Stomach
There are 5 Substances in this Chinese Medicne
Bie Jia (Chinese Soft Shelled Turtle Shell)Quantity = 15 grams
Quantity = 6 grams
Quantity = 12 grams
Quantity = 6 grams
Quantity = 9 grams
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