Sheng Hua Tang (Generation and Transformation Decoction)
Formula 8 of 13 in Formulas that Invigorate the Blood
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- Formulas that Invigorate the Blood and Dispel Blood Stasis
- Moves and Invigorates the Blood, Transforms and Dispels Blood Stagnation, Warms the Menses, and stops pain.
Possible Tongue Appearance:
- Pale-purple tongue
- Pale tongue with purple spots
Possible Pulse Patterns:
- Thin, submerged, and choppy pulse
Cautions, Contraindications, Herb Drug Interactions:
- Do not use when Blood Stasis is caused by Heat in the Blood
- Do not use in any hemorrhagic disorder, especially post partum
- Do not use during pregnancy
- Do not use if there is a tendency for bleeding, or if there is any bleeding disorder present.
Preparation Notes:
- Decoction. Wine can be added to increase the blood invigorating effects of this formula.
Originally Appeared In:
- Women's Diseases According to Fu Qing Zhu (Fu Qing Zhu Nu Ke)
Combined Channels of all herbs in this formula:
- Spleen, Heart, Liver, Pericardium, Gall Bladder, Large Intestine, Stomach, Lungs
There are 5 Substances in this Chinese Medicne
Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica Root)Quantity = 24 grams
Quantity = 9 grams
Quantity = 6-9 grams (14 pieces)
Quantity = 1.5 grams
Quantity = 1.5 grams
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