Zhi Sou San (Stop Coughing Powder)
Formula 12 of 15 in Formulas that Treat Phlegm
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- Formulas that Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm
- Wind attacking the Lungs
- Releases the exterior, disseminates Lung Qi, resolves Phlegm, and stops cough Dispels external Wind Cold.
- Cough, itchy or sore throat, possible slight fever and chills, aversion to wind
Possible Tongue Appearance:
- Normal body with white coat
Possible Pulse Patterns:
- Floating pulse
Western Uses:
- Cough
- Whopping Cough
- Flu
- Chronic Tracheitis
Cautions, Contraindications, Herb Drug Interactions:
- As this formula is drying, it should be avoided in patients with Yin deficient cough, Lung Heat, and Lung Phlegm Heat cough
Preparation Notes:
- Powder. Grind all herbs into an even powder.
- Take 9 grams after meals and before bed with warm water.
- Appropriately reduce dosages to prepare a decoction.
Originally Appeared In:
- Medical Revelations (Yi Xue Xin Wu)
Combined Channels of all herbs in this formula:
- Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Heart
There are 7 Substances in this Chinese Medicne
Jie Geng (Root of the Balloon Flower)Quantity = 960 grams
Quantity = 960 grams
Quantity = 960 grams
Quantity = 960 grams
Quantity = 960 grams
Quantity = 360 grams
Quantity = 480 grams
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