Xuan Fu Hua (Inula Flower)

Xuan Fu Hua (Inula Flower)

Herb 6 of 9 in Warm Herbs that Transform Phlegm-Cold

Slightly Warm Xuan Fu Hua (Inulae Flos)
Bitter, Spicy, Slightly Warm
Inulae Flos
Tone Marks:
xuàn fù huā
Upturned Flower
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Chinese Herb Actions

  • Reduces Phlegm, Regulates Water Circulation
    For accumulation of phlegm and fluids in the lungs. Treats symptoms of coughing, or wheezing along with stubborn phlegm that is white or yellow
  • Descends Qi, Stops Vomiting
    For vomiting, nausea, hiccups, and belching due to Rebellious Stomach Qi caused by phlegm accumulation

Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions

  • Do not use for dry cough due to Yin Deficiency
  • Do not use for loose stools due to Spleen Deficiency

Herb-Drug Interactions

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Chinese Herb Toxicity & Overdose

  • Allergic reactions are possible after repeated exposure to the skin, including contact dermatitis, pruritis, and diarrhea
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Chinese Herb Dosage

  • 3-10 grams in decoction while wrapped in cheesecloth (Chen)
  • 3-9 grams in decoction (Bensky)

This Herb Appears in the Following Formulas:

References Used

The TCM information presented here has been referenced from numerous sources; including teachers, practitioners, class notes from Five Branches University, the following books, as well as other sources. If you have benefited from this information, please consider supporting the authors and their works by purchasing the books below.

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