Ding Zhi Wan (Settle the Emotions Pill)
Formula 3 of 9 in Formulas that Calm the Spirit
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- Formulas that Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit
- Heart Qi Deficiency with severe fear, emotional shock, or restlessness
Cautions, Contraindications, Herb Drug Interactions:
- Section not completed...
Preparation Notes:
- Decoction. Double or triple the dosage of Dang Shen is commonly substituted for Ren Shen
Originally Appeared In:
- Thousand Ducat Formulas (Qian Jin Yao Fang)
Combined Channels of all herbs in this formula:
- Lungs, Spleen, Heart, Stomach, Liver
There are 4 Substances in this Chinese Medicne
Ren Shen (Ginseng Root)Quantity = 9 grams
Quantity = 9 grams
Quantity = 6 grams
Quantity = 6 grams
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