Tian Men Dong (Asparagus Tuber)

Tian Men Dong (Asparagus Tuber)

Herb 12 of 15 in Herbs that Tonify Yin

Cold Tian Men Dong (Tuber Asparagi Cochinensis)
Sweet, Bitter, Very Cold
Tuber Asparagi Cochinensis
Tone Marks:
tiān mén dōng
Lush Winter Aerial Plant
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Chinese Herb Actions

  • Tonifies Kidney Yin, Clears Lung Heat
    Treats dry mouth, fever, aversion to wind and cold, chest pain, and hemoptysis or blood streaked sputum. For dry cough, cough with scanty sticky sputum, or cough with blood streaked sputum and difficult to expectorate.
  • Tonifies Lung Yin, Generates Fluids, Moistens Dryness
    For wasting and thirsting disorder. For thirst, muscle wasting, consumptive cough with blood streaked sputum, low grade or afternoon fevers, constipation, dry stools.

Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions

  • Do not use in cases of diarrhea due to Middle Jiao Deficiency and Cold
  • Do not use in cases of cough due to Wind-Cold

Herb-Drug Interactions

  • Section not completed...

Chinese Herb Toxicity & Overdose

  • None Noted
  • Section not completed...

Chinese Herb Dosage

  • 6-15 grams in decoction (Chen)
  • 6-12 grams in decoction (Bensky)

This Herb Appears in the Following Formulas:

References Used

The TCM information presented here has been referenced from numerous sources; including teachers, practitioners, class notes from Five Branches University, the following books, as well as other sources. If you have benefited from this information, please consider supporting the authors and their works by purchasing the books below.

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