Chinese Formulas - All Categories
There are 257 Formulas in this Category
Formulas that Release Early-Stage Exterior Disorders
- Cong Chi Tang (Scallion and Prepared Soybean Decoction)
Formulas that Release Exterior Cold
- Ma Huang Tang (Ephedra Decoction)
- Da Qing Long Tang (Major Bluegreen Dragon Decoction)
- Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction)
- Xiao Qing Long Tang (Minor Bluegreen Dragon Decoction)
- Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang (Nine Herb Decoction with Notopterygium)
- Xiang Su San (Cyperus and Perilla Leaf Powder)
- Xiang Ru San (Elsholtzia Powder)
Formulas that Release Exterior Wind-Heat
- Sang Ju Yin (Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction)
- Yin Qiao San (Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder)
- Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang (Bupleurum and Kudzu Decoction to Release the Muscle Layer)
- Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang (Cimicifuga and Kudzu Decoction)
- Qiang Lan Tang (Notopterygium and Isatis Root Decoction)
Formulas that Release Exterior Disorders with Head and Neck Symptoms
- Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San (Ligusticum Chuanxiong Powder to be Taken with Green Tea)
- Cang Er Zi San (Xanthium Powder)
- Ge Gen Tang (Kudzu Decoction)
Formulas that Release Exterior Disorders with Interior Deficiency
- Ren Shen Bai Du San (Ginseng Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Influences)
- Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang (Ephedra, Asarun, and Prepared Aconite Decoction)
- Zai Zao San (Renewal Powder)
- Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin (Scallion Decoction with Seven Ingredients)
- Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang (Modified Polygonatum Odoratum Decoction)
Formulas that Release Exterior-Interior Excess
- Fang Feng Tong Sheng San (Ledebouriella Powder that Sagely Unblocks)
- Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang (Kudzu, Coptis, and Scutellaria Decoction)
- Shi Gao Tang (Gypsum Decoction)
- Wu Ji San (Five Accumulation Powder)
Formulas that Clear Heat from the Qi Level
- Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction)
- Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang (Lophatherus and Gypsum Decoction)
- Zhi Zi Dou Chi Tang (Gardenia and Prepared Soybean Decoction)
Formulas that Clear Heat from the Nutritive Level and Cool the Blood
- Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang (Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction)
- Qing Ying Tang (Clear the Nutritive Level Decoction)
Formulas that Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity
- Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity)
- Xie Xin Tang (Drain the Epigastrium Decoction)
- Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin (Universal Benefit Decoction to Eliminate Toxins)
- Qing Wen Bai Du Yin (Clear Epidemics and Overcome Toxins Decoction)
- Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin (Sublime Formula for Sustaining Life)
- Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin (Five Ingredient Decoction to Eliminate Toxins)
- Si Miao Yong an Tang (Four Valiant Decoction for Well Being)
- Liu Shen Wan (Six Miracle Pill)
Formulas that Clear Heat from the Organs
- Long Dan Xie Gan Tang (Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain the Liver)
- Yin Qiao Ma Bo San (Honeysuckle, Forsythia, and Puffball Powder)
- Zuo Jin Wan (Left Metal Pill)
- Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang (Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction)
- Bai Tou Weng Tang (Pulsatilla Decoction)
- Xie Bai San (Drain the White Powder)
- Wei Jing Tang (Reed Decoction)
- Xie Huang San (Drain the Yellow Powder)
- Qing Wei San (Clear the Stomach Powder)
- Yu Nu Jian (Jade Woman Decoction)
- Dao Chi San (Guide Out the Red Powder)
Formulas that Clear Heat from Deficiency
- Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang (Artemisia Annua and Soft Shelled Turtle Shell Decoction)
- Qing Gu San (Cool the Bones Powder)
Formulas that Relieve Summerheat
- Qing Luo Yin (Clear the Collaterals Decoction)
- Liu Yi San (Six to One Powder)
- Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin (Cinnamon and Poria Sweet Dew Decoction)
- Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang (Clear Summerheat and Augment the Qi Decoction)
Formulas that Purge Heat Accumulation
- Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Order the Qi Decoction)
- Da Huang Mu Dan Tang (Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction)
- Liang Ge San (Cool the Diaphragm Powder)
- Da Xian Xiong Tang (Major Sinking Into the Chest Decoction)
- Huang Long Tang (Yellow Dragon Decoction)
- Xiao Cheng Qi Tang (Minor Order the Qi Decoction)
- Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang (Regulate the Stomach and Order the Qi Decoction)
Formulas that Moisten the Intestines and Unblock the Bowels
- Ma Zi Ren Wan (Hemp Seed Pill)
- Run Chang Wan (Moisten the Intestines Pill)
- Ji Chuan Jian (Benefit the Flow Decoction)
Formulas that Warm the Yang and Guide Out Accumulation
- Da Huang Fu Zi Tang (Rhubarb and Prepared Aconite Decoction)
- San Wu Bei Ji Wan (Three Substance Pill for Emergencies)
Formulas that Drive Out Excess Water
- Shi Zao Tang (Ten Jujube Decoction)
- Zhou Che Wan (Vessel and Vehicle Pill)
Formulas that Harmonize Lesser Yang-stage Disorders
- Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction)
- Da Chai Hu Tang (Major Bupleurum Decoction)
- Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang (Artemisia Annua and Scutellaria Decoction to Clear the Gallbladder)
- Da Yuan Yin (Reach the Membrane Source Decoction)
Formulas that Regulate and Harmonize the Liver and Spleen
- Xiao Yao San (Rambling Powder, Free and Easy Wanderer)
- Tong Xie Yao Fang (Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea)
- Si Ni San (Frigid Extremities Powder)
Formulas that Harmonize the Stomach and Intestines
- Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang (Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium)
Formulas that Gently Disperse and Moisten Dryness
- Xing Su San (Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder)
- Sang Xing Tang (Mulberry leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction)
- Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang (Eliminate Dryness and Rescue the Lungs Decoction)
Formulas that Enrich the Yin and Moisten Dryness
- Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang (Nourish the Yin and Clear the Lungs Decoction)
- Mai Men Dong Tang (Ophiopogonis Decoction)
- Zeng Ye Tang (Increase the Fluids Decoction)
- Yu Ye Tang (Jade Fluid Decoction)
- Bai He Gu Jin Tang (Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal)
- Bu Fei e Jiao Tang (Tonify the Lungs Decoction with Ass Hide Gelatin)
Formulas that Promote Urination and Leach out Dampness
- Wu Ling San (Five Ingredient Powder with Poria)
- Zhu Ling Tang (Polyporus Decoction)
- Wu Pi San (Wu Pi Yin) (Five Peel Powder)
- Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang (Stephania and Astragalus Decoction)
Formulas that Transform Damp Turbidity
- Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San (Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi)
- Ping Wei San (Calm the Stomach Powder)
Formulas that Clear Damp-Heat
- Er Miao San (Two Marvel Decoction)
- San Ren Tang (Three Nut Decoction)
- Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan (Sweet Dew Special Pill to Eliminate Toxins)
- Lian Po Yin (Coptis and Magnolia Bark Decoction)
- Yin Chen Hao Tang (Artemisia Yinchenhao Decoction)
- Zhong Man Fen Xiao Wan (Separate and Reduce Fullness in the Middle Pill)
- Ba Zheng San (Eight Herb Powder for Rectification)
- Shao Yao Tang (Peony Decoction)
Formulas that Warm and Transform Water and Dampness
- Zhen Wu Tang (True Warrior Decoction)
- Shi Pi Yin (Bolster the Spleen Decoction)
- Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin (Dioscorea Hypoglauca Decoction to Separate the Clear)
- Ji Ming San (Cock's Crow Powder)
Formulas that Dispel Wind-Dampness
- Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (Angelica Pubescens and Sangjisheng Decoction)
- Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang (Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome Dampness)
- Juan Bi Tang (Remove Painful Obstruction Decoction from Medical Revelations)
- Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang (Cinnamon Twig, Peony, and Anemarrhena Decoction)
- Xuan Bi Tang (Disband Painful Obstruction Decoction)
Formulas that Warm the Channels and Disperse Cold
- Dang Gui Si Ni Tang (Tangkuei Decoction for Frigid Extremities)
- Yang He Tang (Yang Heartening Decoction)
Formulas that Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
- Li Zhong Wan (Regulate the Middle Pill)
- Wu Zhu Yu Tang (Evodia Decoction)
- Xiao Jian Zhong Tang (Minor Construct the Middle Decoction)
- Da Jian Zhong Tang (Major Construct the Middle Decoction)
- Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang (Licorice and Ginger Decoction)
Formulas that Rescue Devastated Yang
- Si Ni Tang (Frigid Extremities Decoction)
- Shen Fu Tang (Ginseng and Prepared Aconite Decoction)
- Hei Xi Dan (Lead Special Pill)
Formulas that Tonify the Qi
- Si Jun Zi Tang (Four Gentlemen Decoction)
- Shen Ling Bai Zhu San (Ginseng, Poria, and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder)
- Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction)
- Sheng Mai San (Generate the Pulse Powder)
- Bu Fei Tang (Tonify the Lungs Decoction)
- Ren Shen Ge Jie San (Ginseng and Gecko Powder)
Formulas that Tonify the Blood
- Si Wu Tang (Four Substance Decoction)
- Dang Gui Shao Yao San (Tangkuei and Peony Powder)
- Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang (Peony and Licorice Decoction)
- Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang (Mutton Stew with Tangkuei and Fresh Ginger)
Formulas that Tonify the Qi and Blood
- He Ren Yin (Polygonum Multiflorum Root and Ginseng Decoction)
- Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang (Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood)
- Gui Pi Tang (Restore the Spleen Decoction)
- Shi Quan Da Bu Tang (All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction)
- Zhi Gan Cao Tang (Honey Fried Licorice Decoction)
- Ba Zhen Tang (Eight Treasure Decoction)
Formulas that Nourish and Tonify the Yin
- Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia)
- Zuo Gui Yin (Restore the Left (Kidney) Decoction)
- Da Bu Yin Wan (Great Tonify the Yin Pill)
- Hu Qian Wan (Hidden Tiger Pill)
- Er Zhi Wan (Two Ultimate Pill)
- Da Zao Wan (Great Creation Pill)
- Yi Guan Jian (Linking Decoction)
- Zhu Jing Wan (Preserve Vistas Pill)
- Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan (Seven Treasure Special Pill for Beautiful Whiskers)
Formulas that Warm and Tonify the Yang
- Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan (Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet)
- You Gui Wan (Restore the Right (Kidney) Pill)
- Tu Si Zi Wan (Cuscuta Seed Pill)
- Zan Yu Dan (Special Pill to Aid Fertility)
- Er Xian Tang (Two Immortal Decoction)
Formulas that Promote the Movement of Qi
- Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang (Magnolia Bark Decoction for Warming the Middle)
- Liang Fu Wan (Galangal and Cyperus Pill)
- Jin Ling Zi San (Melia Toosendan Powder)
- Tian Tai Wu Yao San (Top Quality Lindera Powder)
- Yue Ju Wan (Escape Restraint Pill)
- Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction)
- Gua Luo Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang (Trichosanthes Fruit, Chinese Chive, and Wine Decoction)
- Nuan Gan Jian (Warm the Liver Decoction)
- Ju He Wan (Tangerine Seed Pill)
Formulas that Direct Rebellious Qi Downward
- Si Mo Tang (Four Milled Herb Decoction)
- Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang (Inula and Hematite Decoction)
- Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang (Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction)
- Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang (Clove and Persimmon Calyx Decoction)
- Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang (Perilla Fruit Decoction for Directing Qi Downward)
- Ding Chuan Tang (Arrest Wheezing Decoction)
Formulas that Invigorate the Blood and Dispel Blood Stasis
- Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang (Tonify the Yang to Restore Five Tenths Decoction)
- Tao He Cheng Qi Tang (Peach Pit Decoction to Order the Qi)
- Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Drive Out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction)
- Shi Xiao San (Sudden Smile Powder)
- Dan Shen Yin (Salvia Decoction)
- Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan (Rhubarb and Eupolyphaga Pill)
Formulas that Warm the Menses and Dispel Blood Stasis
- Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan (Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill)
- Sheng Hua Tang (Generation and Transformation Decoction)
- Wen Jing Tang (Warm the Menses Decoction)
Formulas that Invigorate the Blood in the Treatment of Traumatic Injury
- Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang (Revive Health By Invigorating the Blood Decoction)
- Qi Li San (Seven Thousandths of a Tael Powder)
- Die Da Wan (Trauma Pill)
- Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan (Fantastically Effective Pill to Invigorate the Collaterals)
Formulas that Clear Heat and Stop Bleeding
- Shi Hui San (Ten Partially Charred Substances Powder)
- Si Sheng Wan (Four Fresh Pill)
- Ke Xue Fang (Coughing of Blood Formula)
- Huai Hua San (Sophora Japonica Flower Powder)
- Xiao Ji Yin Zi (Cephalanoplos Decoction)
- Qing Re Zhi Beng Tang (Clear Heat and Stop Excessive Uterine Bleeding Decoction)
Formulas that Tonify and Stop Bleeding
- Bai Ye Tang (Biota Twig Decoction)
- Huang Tu Tang (Yellow Earth Decoction)
- Jiao ai Tang (Ass Hide Gelatin and Mugwort Decoction)
Formulas that Stabilize the Exterior and the Lungs
- Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Windscreen Powder)
- Mu Li San (Oyster Shell Decoction)
- Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang (Tangkuei and Six Yellow Decoction)
- Jiu Xian San (Nine Immortal Decoction)
Formulas that Restrain Leakage from the Intestines
- Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang (True Man's Decoction to Nourish the Organs)
- Tao Hua Tang (Peach Blossom Decoction)
- Si Shen Wan (Four Miracle Pill)
Formulas that Stabilize the Kidneys
- Sang Piao Xiao San (Mantis Egg Case Powder)
- Suo Quan Wan (Shut the Sluice Pill)
- Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell)
- Shou Tai Wan (Fetus Longevity Pill)
- Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan (Metal Lock Pill to Stabilize the Essence)
Formulas that Stabilize the Womb
- Gu Chong Tang (Stabilize Gushing Pill)
- Gu Jing Wan (Stabilize the Menses Pill)
- Zhen Ling Dan (Rouse the Spirit Special Pill)
- Wan Dai Tang (End Discharge Decoction)
- Yi Huang Tang (Change Yellow (Discharge) Decoction)
Formulas that Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit
- Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan (Emperor of Heaven's Special Pill to Tonify the Heart)
- Suan Zao Ren Tang (Sour Jujube Decoction)
- Ding Zhi Wan (Settle the Emotions Pill)
- Huang Lian e Jiao Tang (Coptis and Ass Hide Gelatin Decoction)
- Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (Licorice, Wheat, and Jujube Decoction)
Formulas that Sedate and Calm the Spirit
- Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (Bupleurum Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction)
- Zhu Sha An Shen Wan (Cinnabar Pill to Calm the Spirit)
- Ci Zhu Wan (Magnetite and Cinnabar Pill)
- Sheng Tie Luo Yin (Iron Filings Decoction)
Formulas that Release Wind from the Skin and Channels
- Xiao Feng San (Eliminate Wind Powder from True Lineage)
- Xiao Xu Ming Tang (Minor Prolong Life Decoction)
- Xiao Huo Luo Dan (Minor Invigorate the Collaterals Special Pill)
- Qian Zheng San (Lead to Symmetry Powder)
- Yu Zhen San (True Jade Powder)
- Zhi Jing San (Stop Spasms Powder)
Formulas that Extinguish Internal Wind
- Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction)
- San Jia Fu Mai Tang (Three Shell Decoction to Restore the Pulse)
- e Jiao Ji Zi Huang Tang (Ass Hide Gelatin and Egg Yolk Decoction)
- Da Ding Feng Zhu (Major Arrest Wind Pearl)
- Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (Sedate the Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction)
- Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang (Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction)
- Di Huang Yin Zi (Rehmannia Decoction)
Formulas that Clear Heat and Open the Orifices
- Hui Chun Dan (Return of Spring Special Pill)
- An Gong Niu Huang Wan (Calm the Palace Pill with Cattle Gallstone)
- Zhi Bao Dan (Greatest Treasure Special Pill)
- Zi Xue Dan (Purple Snow Special Pill)
Formulas that Warm and Open the Orifices
- Su He Xiang Wan (Liquid Styrax Pill)
Formulas that Scour Phlegm and Open the Orifices
- Di Tan Tang (Scour Phlegm Decoction)
- Gun Tan Wan (Vaporize Phlegm Pill)
- Tong Guan San (Open the Gate Powder)
Formulas that Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm
- Er Chen Tang (Two Cured Decoction)
- Xiang Fu Xuan Fu Hua Tang (Cyperus and Inula Decoction)
Formulas that Clear Heat and Transform Phlegm
- Xiao Xian Xiong Tang (Minor Sinking Into the Chest Decoction)
- Wen Dan Tang (Warm the Gallbladder Decoction)
- Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan (Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Pill)
Formulas that Moisten Dryness and Transform Phlegm
- Bei Mu Gua Lou San (Fritillaria and Trichosanthes Fruit Powder)
Formulas that Transform Phlegm and Dissipate Nodules
- Xiao Luo Wan (Reduce Scrofula Pill)
- Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang (Sargassum Decoction for the Jade Flask)
Formulas that Warm and Transform Cold-Phlegm
- Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang (Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodis Macrocephalae, and Licorice Decoction)
- Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin Tang (Poria, Schisandra, Ginger, and Asarum Decoction)
- San Zi Yang Qin Tang (Three Seed Decoction to Nourish One's Parents)
Formulas that Transform Phlegm and Extinguish Wind
- Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang (Pinellia, Atractylodis Macrocephalae, and Gastrodia Decoction)
- Ding Xian Wan (Arrest Seizures Pill)
- Zhi Sou San (Stop Coughing Powder)
Formulas that Induce Vomiting to Discharge Phlegm
- Gua Di San (Melon Pedicle Powder)
Formulas that Reduce Food Stagnation
- Bao He Wan (Preserve Harmony Pill)
- Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan (Aucklandia and Betel Nut Pill)
- Jian Pi Wan (Strengthen the Spleen Pill)
- Zhi Zhu Wan (Immature Bitter Orange and Atractylodes Macrocephala Pill)
- Zhi Shi Xiao Pi Wan (Immature Bitter Orange Pill to Reduce Focal Distension)
Formulas that Expel Parasites
- Hua Chong Wan (Dissolve Parasites Pill)
- Fei Er Wan (Fat Baby Pill)
- Bu Dai Wan (Cloth Sack Pill)
- Wu Mei Wan (Mume Pill)